Let’s get the really important stuff out of the way first: I love football, running, cycling, being outdoors, gardening, style, culture, and the North. I’m based in Lancaster with the Yorkshire Dales, South Lakes, Morecambe Bay and Trough of Bowland on my doorstep, although I’m Yorkshire born-and-bred (all hail the Motherland! – a hill I’m willing to die on). I’m a socialist and an intersectional feminist.
I’m at my happiest when my football team are winning, or I’m on my allotment, when I’m drinking builder’s tea (I consider herbal tea to be the work of the devil) accompanied by cake, or when laughing/ranting over wine with friends. I have another self which is into arts, culture and books.
I’ve tried hard to not have a ‘career’, instead I’ve taken on work challenges that are congruent with my interests, values and happiness. It’s fair to say that as an activist I’ve had a colourful working life and got into a few dramatic scrapes over the years as I’ve cruised organisational politics and patriarchal shenanigans. More on this as you get to know me…
I’ve mainly been in and around the public and civil sector, as an organisational behaviour and development educator, and a project manager in community-led economic development, community organising on a grand scale and the development of new measures of prosperity to replace GDP.
Seven years ago I decided I’d had enough of working for others and it was time to go it alone. After some time spent as an independent consultant and money coach, I joined Sas Petherick’s Self Belief Coaching Academy and I’m now a certified self-belief coach, an Associate Certified Coach member of the International Coaching Federation and a Foundation Executive Coach with the Association for Coaching. I’m also trained in a range of facilitation and development methods, including Art of Hosting, Narrative Therapy, action learning, systemic facilitation and constellations all of which inform my work as a coach.
In addition to my individual coaching work, I work with my friend and colleague Helen to help organisations build self-belief in their staff through workshops and consultancy.
I’m a somewhat truculent user of social media, but you can find me on Instagram @ruthpcoaching and on LinkedIn (Ruth Parkinson).
(extracts – read in full here)
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